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Recent Rhythmic Research in North American Music Theory - Justin London Recent Rhythmic Research in North American Music Theory Justin London As noted in London (2001), much current work in rhythmic theory and analysis can be traced back to Lerdahl and Jackendoff’s A Generative Theory of Tonal Music (also known as “GTTM”, 1983) and / or Carl Schachter’s three important articles on rhythm and meter in The Music Forum (1976, 1980, 1987). While this is still largely tr.. 더보기
Richart Strauss, History and his music from Grove Dictionary Richart Strauss (1864-1949) (b Munich, 11 June 1864; d Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 8 Sept 1949 ). German composer and conductor. He emerged soon after the deaths of Wagner and Brahms as the most important living German composer. During an artistic career which spanned nearly eight decades, he composed in virtually all musical genres, but became best known for his tone poems (composed during the clos.. 더보기
Summary of the article 'Introduction to Meter and Metric Dissonance' by R.Cohn Rhythm Study - Summary of the article 'Introduction to Meter and Metric Dissonance' by R.Cohn(1999) - 1. Time points? 시간의 위치. 박이 떨어지는 점을 공간에 나타낸 것. 2. Time interval? Time point X와 Y사이의 거리를 나타내며 Y-X로 구할 수 있다. 3. Time span? X와 Y의 범위. 4. What's the Pulse? 일정한 거리를 가지는 Time point들의 집합. 이러한 일정한 거리를 주기성(periodicity, Kbebs는 Cardinality)라고 한다. 5. What's the meter? 관계있는 두 펄스의 짝. 두 개나 그 이상의 펄스가 포함관계를 이루는 것.. 더보기